Thursday, 30 May 2024 : 8th Week of Ordinary Time (First Reading)

Liturgical Colour : Green

1 Peter 2 : 2-5, 9-12

Like newborn children, seek, eagerly, for the pure milk of the word, that will help you grow and reach salvation. Did you not taste the goodness of the Lord? He is the living stone, rejected by the people, but chosen by God, and precious to Him; set yourselves close to Him, so that, you, too, become living stones, built into a spiritual temple, a holy community of priests, offering spiritual sacrifices that please God, through Jesus Christ.

You are a chosen race, a community of priest-kings, a consecrated nation, a people God has made His own, to proclaim His wonders. For He called you, from your darkness, to His own wonderful light. At one stage, you were no people, but, now, you are God’s people, you had not received His mercy, but, now, you have been given mercy.

Beloved, while you are strangers and exiles, I urge you, not to indulge in selfish passions, that wage war on the soul. Live a blameless life, among the pagans; so, when they accuse you falsely of any wrong, they may see your good works and give glory to God, on the day He comes to them.

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