Friday, 25 September 2015 : 25th Week of Ordinary Time (Homily and Scripture Reflections)

Liturgical Colour : Green

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, continuing from yesterday’s discourse on the Temple of Jerusalem, its rebuilding and how it is related to the death of Jesus Christ and His salvation of all mankind through that death, then today, again this fact is emphasised to us in a way that all of us really should take it to the heart how God saved us all through His love.

It is this love that brought the Lord to be willing to come down to us and dwell among us, assuming our own flesh and form, as a Man, so that through this act, by becoming an example to all mankind, He offered a sacrifice beyond anything comparable, and by that sacrifice, He brought about the purification and absolution for our sins, all of us who believe in Him and thus worthy to receive His everlasting forgiveness.

He has come through Jesus in order to save us all, with His mighty power and deeds, just like when He once saved the people of Israel, His chosen ones, from the oppression and slavery of the Pharaohs of Egypt, and then when they suffered again under the yoke of the Assyrians and the Babylonians, enslaved and under great pressure, He came yet again to liberate them and help them to return to good standing with Him.

But the greatest enemy is not the Pharaoh of Egypt, or the Assyrian or Babylonian kings and their mighty forces. For these were truly nothing compared to the true enemy, that is sin, death and the devil. For it was the devil who brought sin into the world, by first his own vanity and pride, as Lucifer, the greatest and most brilliant among the angels of God, but fell into his own pride. And as he fell, he brought many angels along with him, and then also our ancestors along with him.

He tempted them with good and sweet words, saying that by disobeying God and doing what God had forbidden them to do, then they would enjoy much goodness and could become even like the Lord Himself. He was playing with our desire and our vulnerabilities, to be tempted by material goods and promises of pleasure and happiness, such that we were willing to trade our obedience to the Lord for such temptations.

Thus it was also how many of us fell along the way, as we witness ourselves when we read the Scriptures. We should have noticed how often it was that the people of God disobeyed the Lord, because they complained and grumbled about many things, about how they did not have enough of what they wanted, either to be happy or to fill up their stomachs. And all these were there even though God had done so much for them.

It is in fact should have been just for the Lord to just destroy us and leave us behind, for many of us were truly obstinate and adamant on following our own paths of sin, and refused to walk in the path of righteousness or to repent from our sins. And as a result, we suffer death, that is the punishment and consequence for sin, as because of our sins, we are not worthy of the Master of Life, that is our Lord.

Yet, He came to save us, and He wanted to show us all, that if we want to follow Him and gain favour with Him, then all of us ought to abandon our old ways of sin and worldliness. And just as He suffered grievously for our sins and faults, bearing them upon Himself, this showed how the world, Satan and all of his allies rejected Jesus and His salvation, because they preferred to live and stay in the darkness rather than coming into the light.

Therefore, this fact, combined with the fact that Satan does not wish us all to be saved, because it was his intention that we all should fall together with him and join him in condemnation, should have awakened us to the reality that life lived out of faith for God will not be easy. If we seek eternal life and grace in God, then the path ahead of us will be filled with challenges and obstacles.

Truly, there is another option given to us, none other by Satan himself, who offers us all a shortcut, which seems to be easier and less troublesome. But do not be deceived, brothers and sisters, for the path of the devil may seem to be easier, but all these are an illusion that prevents us from seeing that this will end with even greater suffering and destruction without hope of getting out, that is hell, an eternity of separation between us and God.

Let us all be courageous and be more devoted in our faith, so that we may stay focused on our goal that is to reach out to the Lord our God and to be reunited with Him. Let us all change our ways, our sinful and selfish ways, so that we may practice more of the love which God had taught us, in our own words, actions and deeds, that we all truly become worthy of being called the children of God.

May Almighty God be with us all and bless us always, and may He guide us on our way, that whatever suffering and difficulties we encounter, we may unite them to the suffering of Jesus, and by dying together with Him to our past and our sinfulness, we may share in His eternal glory. Amen.

2 thoughts on “Friday, 25 September 2015 : 25th Week of Ordinary Time (Homily and Scripture Reflections)

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  2. Pingback: What It Means and Does Not Mean to Honor Our President | Washingtonian Post

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