Saturday, 8 June 2024 : 9th Week of Ordinary Time, Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Homily and Scripture Reflections)

Liturgical Colour : White

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, after we have celebrated the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus yesterday, today the Church celebrates the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Today we recall the great loving heart of Mary, the Mother of God and our Mother, who has loved us all most generously and wonderfully just as she has always loved her Son, Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. From her Immaculate and most loving heart, just like that of her Son’s Most Sacred Heart, we have seen a great outpouring of love and affection, through which she has always patiently taken care of us, as our adoptive mother, who cares for us and for our salvation through her Son.

In our first reading today, we heard from the Book of the prophet Isaiah in which the prophet Isaiah spoke joyfully about the coming of God’s salvation to His beloved people, reminding them of all the love which God has shown to all of us constantly and repeatedly. The prophet Isaiah spoke of the coming of God’s blessings and love, rejuvenation and reinvigoration for all of His beloved people, restoring them to grace and honour, after they have all fallen from grace and rebelled against Him, reminding them that after all, they were still beloved and dear to God, precious to their Lord and Master, Who have always desired their conversion and liberation from the many temptations and distractions, obstacles and other things that had pulled them away from their paths towards God.

The prophet Isaiah came at the time when the fortunes of the people of God, the Israelites had been getting very low, as they faced lots of trials and challenges, which were all because of their own infidelities and refusal to follow the path of God. They hardened their hearts against Him and turned away from His generous love and kindness, refusing to listen to the many messengers that God had sent to them to remind them of their obligations and missions in life, in their need to follow the Law and commandments of God, just as the Lord has taught them. They chose to follow the path of evil, wickedness and worldly desires, instead of following and obeying God. They continued to do so even after God has repeatedly shown His love and patience, always having reached out to them to show His love for them.

They persecuted the many prophets and servants of God out of their stubbornness and in their continuing desire to follow the path of sin, and as a result, they fell into their predicament, being divided one against another, and facing a lot of hardships and sufferings, which led to the destruction of the northern kingdom of Israel and the deportation of many of its people just around the time when the prophet Isaiah began his mission in the southern kingdom of Judah. But God wanted to reassure His people that despite all these and the punishments that they had to endure then, and would have to endure in the future, God would always still love them as a loving Father, as a Father Who chastised His wayward children but One Who did so out of genuine love and care.

From our Gospel passage today taken from the Gospel of St. Luke, we heard of the moment when the Lord Jesus during His younger years at the age of twelve went to Jerusalem for the Festival and celebration of the Passover. In this quite well-known story, the Lord Jesus purposefully stayed behind in Jerusalem at the Temple when His family went back to Nazareth after the festivities which caused His parents, St. Joseph and Mary to be really worried and went back to Jerusalem to find the young Jesus, and found Him at the Temple. There they saw Him in deep discussions with the Temple priests and the teachers of the Law, revealing His Wisdom and part of His true nature as the Son of God Incarnate.

We heard how Mary and St. Joseph both showed their concern and worry, because Jesus had stayed behind in Jerusalem without their knowledge, and yet at the same time we also heard how Mary kept everything that she had experienced, witnessed and heard in her own heart. This is coupled with whatever she had experienced and witnessed earlier on, such as at the moment when the Baby Jesus was brought to the same Temple of Jerusalem shortly after His birth, and the man of God, Simeon spoke of everything that the Child would be, echoed by the prophetess Anna who was also there to witness the occasion. All these were kept by Mary in her heart, who kept on loving her Son throughout her whole life, the wonderful love that she has shown Him from her Immaculate Heart.

And she would indeed bear great burden and pain in her heart, pierced by the great sorrow which she had witnessed when she saw her own beloved Son suffering and dying on the Cross at the moment of His Passion. She still committed herself nonetheless, following her beloved Son even right up to the foot of the Cross. This is the same kind of love which God has shown His people earlier on in our first reading today, one that He told them through the prophet Isaiah, a love that is truly selfless, compassionate and wonderful, love that is ever nurturing and genuine, love that is ever patient and life-giving. And it is this same love which Mary herself has given to all of us, whom she has taken to be her own beloved children, as we have all been entrusted to her by the Lord Himself, at the moment of His Passion and death, that we may become her children, and she become our mother.

Throughout history, our loving Mother Mary has shown herself to various people especially during time of great conflicts and great hardships in the Church, and through her apparitions and examples, many had been touched by her love and the efforts she had done in calling all of us out of the darkness and into the light of God. Mary’s most amazing and love-filled Immaculate Heart has indeed shown to each and every one of us this generous love which she has always had for all of us. She wants to lead us all to her Son, and as our loving Mother naturally she does not want any one of us to be lost to her or her Son because of our sins, which may lead us all into eternal damnation and destruction. If that happens, then there will be no hope left for us, only darkness and despair.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, let us appreciate the great love that Mary, our loving Mother and the Mother of Our Lord and God has for us from her Immaculate Heart. Let us all also have the same love for her and for her Son, our Lord and God, and also for one another, so that in all of our ways and actions in life, we may truly be filled with love, befitting our mission and calling as Christians, that is to be loving just as the Lord has loved us. May all of us continue to love one another most generously, and follow the loving examples of our Blessed Mother at all times. Most Immaculate Heart of Mary, loving Mother, please pray for us all your children, now and always. Amen.

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