Saturday, 15 June 2024 : 10th Week of Ordinary Time (Homily and Scripture Reflections)

Liturgical Colour : Green or White (Saturday Mass of Our Lady)

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, today as we listened to the words of the Sacred Scriptures, we are all reminded through them to be truly faithful and obedient to the Lord in all things, and to be His committed disciples, giving our very best in all things so that by our every words, actions and deeds, we will continue to do what is necessary to be ever committed to God. We have all been called so that our whole lives may be pleasing to the Lord and to be exemplary to every one who witness our ways of living our lives and our interactions with one another. Unless we are truly faithful to the Lord and are obedient to Him, to His Law and commandments, how can we then call or consider ourselves as Christians, as His beloved disciples and followers?

In our first reading today, we heard from the Book of Kings of Israel and Judah in which the prophet Elijah went to find the man whom God had identified to be his successor in the mission and ministry to the Israelites, namely that of Elisha. Elisha was to be the one to continue the great works and the ministry which Elijah had pioneered among the Israelites, to continue to shepherd, guide and help the people of Israel in their journey to find salvation and righteousness in God. The Israelites back then were rather stubborn, refusing to listen to the Lord and His messengers, and even persecuting all those whom the Lord had sent to them to help and remind them, like that of Elijah himself. And Elijah had indeed gone through a lot and suffered.

These were then the challenges and sufferings which anyone who were to succeed Elijah would have to bear with them, but Elisha obeyed the Lord’s commands, and put his trust completely in Him. He left behind everything he had, all of his works and things, following Elijah and becoming God’s prophet and messenger to the people of Israel. Elisha dedicated himself henceforth to the Lord’s missions, just as Elijah had done before him. He committed himself to the shepherding of the people of God despite the challenges and stubbornness that he had to endure amidst the missions, and the Lord indeed did many great things through Elisha just as He had done earlier on through the prophet Elijah.

In our Gospel passage today, we heard of the words of the Lord to His disciples as recorded by the Gospel of St. Matthew. In that occasion, the Lord told His disciples not to swear or make oaths, to make promises by any means or on anything that is sacred and holy, and He told them instead that they should always strive to be truthful, virtuous, good and worthy in all of their words, actions and deeds. Unless they do this, they were really nothing better than hypocrites and unbelievers. Those who truly believe in the Lord would do their best to obey His commands, trusting in Him and doing whatever He had entrusted and told to them to do, just as the prophets Elijah and Elisha, and many others of the holy men and women had done.

On the other hand, at the time of the Lord Jesus, He particularly warned of this to His disciples and followers because there were those at the time who made great and significant gestures, lots of words and promises, and yet, ultimately all those things were merely empty gestures and not truly filled with true love and commitment towards God. This was a reference to many among the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law, who professed to believe in God and were preservers of God’s Law and commandments, and yet, their lack of faith and behaviour all showed that they tend to love the world, all its fame, glory and attractions more than they loved the Lord, their God and Master.

This was why while they supposedly obeyed the Lord’s Law and commandments, the entirety of the massive six hundred and thirteen sets of laws and rules, but the Lord criticised them rightly as hypocrites because many of them did not do so for their love of God and for their commitment to Him. Instead, many of those Pharisees and the teachers of the Law praised themselves and were proud of their way of living and achievements, making a show of their piety and faith so that they could receive more praise and fame from the people of God. Essentially, their hearts and minds were not focused on the right intentions, and not on the Lord, but on their own ego, pride and greed, their attachments to worldly things and matters.

That is why the Lord reminded His disciples that they should be genuine and sincere in their faith in God, and not to make flashy or great shows of their commitment, when they were not truly able to do so. They should just carry out their whole lives and actions with the genuine desire to follow the Lord faithfully in each and every moments of their lives. Anything more than that truly can deceive and mislead us to the path of evil just as the Lord had said it. It is also a reminder for us that we should not overthink things, and when the Lord calls, we should discern things carefully but put our faith and trust in Him without being weighed or bogged down by too many considerations and preoccupations with our many attachments in life. Like the prophet Elisha, who left everything behind to follow the Lord and trusted in Him wholeheartedly, we all should also do the same.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, let us all therefore renew our commitment and desire to love the Lord our God ever more wholeheartedly, and let us dedicate all of our time and efforts to follow the Lord in all of His will, His Law and commandments like that of the prophets Elijah and Elisha, and the many saints, holy men and women who had gone before us. May the Lord continue to strengthen and empower us all in our lives and endeavours, so that we may continue to walk ever more faithfully in our Christian living and in everything that we do, all for the greater glory of God. May God bless us in our every works and efforts, now and always. Amen.

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