Friday, 21 June 2024 : 11th Week of Ordinary Time, Memorial of St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Religious (Homily and Scripture Reflections)

Liturgical Colour : White

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, today as we all listened to the words of the Lord in the Sacred Scriptures, each and every one of us are reminded that we are all called to focus our attention and our whole lives upon the Lord our God, Who should be the sole focus and reason of our existence. We should not easily allow ourselves to be swayed by the many temptations, coercions, pressures and desires present all around us that we lose our focus and sight on what is truly important, and forgetting that as Christians, we are God’s holy and beloved people, and we should always strive to be worthy of Him at all times, in all of our words, actions and deeds, in our every interactions and commitments in life.

In our first reading today, we heard from the Second Book of Kings of Israel and Judah in which the story of the usurpation done by Queen Athaliah of Judah was told to us, at the time when the Queen Mother Athaliah attempted and successfully managed to seize power in the kingdom for herself after her son, King Ahaziah of Judah was killed by Jehu, the new King of Israel appointed by God. King Ahaziah perished partly because of his sins, in his failures to bring the people of God to obey God’s Law and commandments, but his mother Athaliah committed an even greater sin and wickedness before God and man alike, as we ourselves had heard in our first reading passage today, in how she attempted to eradicate the entirety of the descendants of her son, and the extended family in order to secure power for herself.

Through all of that, Athaliah had committed a truly grave sin before God, for the murders that she had carried out not just one but so many innocent people, not sparing even women and children on this. Why did Athaliah do so? While the full reason and details were not highlighted in the records in the Scriptures but based on other comparable events and similar actions by other figures throughout history pointed to greed and desire for worldly power, glory, fame, ambition for more personal gains among other things. It was likely that Athaliah had one of these as her motive to carry out such heinous acts and wickedness. But through what we heard in these series of events today, we are all reminded that God would always be with His beloved and faithful ones, and while challenges might come upon them, but they would be triumphant in the end.

That was how we heard of the survival of Joash, one of the descendants of the late king and helped him to survive the massacre when all the other relatives and members of the royal family were purged and massacred. Joash was protected by God, saved and helped to be prepared as future king under the guidance of the priest Jehoiada, whom we heard then eventually orchestrating the return of the House of David to power. Through the support of the people and others who disliked Queen Athaliah’s authoritarian rule, that was how Queen Athaliah met her ignominious end, overthrown and punished to death for all the wicked deeds which she had done all those years ago. King Joash of Judah ascended to the throne and restored the rule of the House of David just as God intended it.

In our Gospel passage today, we heard from the Gospel of St. Matthew in which the Lord told and warned His disciples not to seek and gather for themselves the treasures of this world, but rather to gather the heavenly and true treasures which they should instead be aiming for. The Lord reminded all of His disciples because some if not many among them might have the wrong idea and aim in following Him, thinking that by walking in His path and gathering around Him, they could gain worldly glory, fame and power, greatness and pleasures of the world. The Lord told them that all the glory, pleasures and ambitions of this world, all of the allures of greatness and wealth cannot truly satisfy us, and they will not last forever, as they will eventually be destroyed and we will not bring them to the life that is to come for us.

It is why each and every one of us should seek to reevaluate our lives and reconsider how we have focused our lives thus far. If we have not been truly faithful to the Lord, and if we have allowed the allures of worldly glory, of pleasures of the flesh and other ambitions to tempt and mislead us, then perhaps it is time for us to abandon all those wicked and evil pursuits, and instead renewing our commitment to live our lives once again worthily of the Lord, by embracing God’s Law and commandments wholeheartedly, and by doing whatever we can so that we may come ever closer to God, and to avoid all those things which had misled and tempted so many of our predecessors, like that of Queen Athaliah, that they all ended up falling into sin and destruction. This is what we must not end up doing, and we must always strive to be ever more faithful to God.

Today, the Church also celebrates the feast of St. Aloysius Gonzaga, a great servant of God whose life and faith, while may be relatively short compared to many of us, but he has shown us and many of our predecessors what it means for us all to live for the Lord and to be truly faithful to Him. St. Aloysius Gonzaga was born into an illustrious cadet branch of the powerful and famous House of Gonzaga in the area of what is now northern part of Italy, and as the eldest son of the family, he would have been guaranteed to gain the great inheritance of his family’s assets, fortune and titles, which were indeed quite substantial. But God had a different plan for St. Aloysius Gonzaga, who was called by God since his rather young age, being touched and inspired to follow the path of the Lord rather than all the wickedness and decadence he had witnessed while he was growing up.

He was increasingly called to be a missionary and to embrace God’s calling, living a righteous and virtuous life amidst the commonly practiced way of life among those of his background and class at the time. St. Aloysius Gonzaga spent his time teaching catechism and guiding the younger boys in the faith. He met lots of opposition especially from his father regarding his decision to join a religious congregation, particularly that of the Society of Jesus or the Jesuits. Despite the many pleas, persuasions, coercions and pressures, none of these could dissuade the young St. Aloysius Gonzaga, and even the tempting promise of secular priesthood and even episcopate, to be a bishop with all of its worldly riches and glory, those things could not change the mind of St. Aloysius Gonzaga.

And thus, St. Aloysius Gonzaga chose to abandon and sign-off his inheritance and all worldly glory, and became a member of the Jesuits. During his formation years as a Jesuit, St. Aloysius Gonzaga continued to life a virtuous and holy life, and was committed to care for the sick and the poor, which eventually led to his early death at the young age of twenty-two. At that time, there was a plague raging in Rome, and St. Aloysius Gonzaga got sick from the plague while he was ministering to the sick. And even so, he still pushed himself and forced himself to continue to care for the sick despite his own condition. Eventually his condition worsened, he was administered the Last Rites and passed away. His courageous actions and love for others have truly shown all of us what it truly means for us to be Christians.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, let us all therefore do our best so that our lives may truly be holy and worthy of God, focusing on Him and not on the many temptations of worldly pleasures and all the other things which may tempt and distract us away from the path towards salvation and eternal life in God. Many of our predecessors had fallen into this path, as the earlier example of Queen Athaliah of Judah had shown us. God has given us all the means and the help to lead us towards righteousness in Him, and we should therefore follow the examples of our holy predecessors, like that of St. Aloysius Gonzaga, so that we may truly be good role models and inspirations for one another in our Christian faith and life. May the Lord be with us always, and may He bless our every efforts and endeavours in life, and grant us His grace, now and forevermore. Amen.

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