Sunday, 2 July 2023 : Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Homily and Scripture Reflections)

Liturgical Colour : Green

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, this Sunday all of us are reminded that each one of us as Christians are God’s beloved people, those whom He has called and chosen to be His own, and how we are also called to love Him just as He has loved us so dearly. All of us are reminded that whatever we have done for the love of God will never be forgotten, and will be known and remembered by God. For God knows everything and sees everything, and if we are ever always faithful to Him, and be committed in our part of the Covenant with Him, then we shall be blessed and guarded by God in all of our things in life. All those who have given themselves to the service of God will be in God’s grace and love, and they shall never be disappointed.

In our first reading today, we heard from the second Book of Kings of the story of the prophet Elisha and his servant Gehazi, with a wealthy woman who hosted and provided for them, and who convinced her husband to take good care of the servant of God, establishing a room and provisions for him, and all these showed not just her faith in God, but also her kind and compassionate nature, and the Lord remembered everything that the woman had done. The prophet Elisha therefore as we heard from the passage, proclaimed God’s blessings and guidance upon the wealthy woman and her husband. Both of them had no child at all although they were both already old, and God blessed them for their loving and compassionate ways, with the promise of a child.

Then, in our second reading today, we heard from the Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle to the Church and the faithful in Rome, in which the Apostle spoke of how all of us mankind, all beloved and cared for by God, have received the greatest gift of love from God Himself, by His gift upon us of His own most beloved Son, Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, Whom God had sent into this world, to dwell in our midst in the flesh, so that by His coming and by His actions, everything that He had done for us, in His suffering and all the pain and trials He had to endure, the Lord has shown us the path of freedom and the way to deliverance and eternal life, by reconciling us to Himself, opening the gates of Heaven itself to all of us.

And the Lord did all these things by coming into our midst, and bearing the heavy burdens of our sins and wickedness, our punishments and all the consequences due to our every faults. He has willingly walked the path of His Passion, His suffering, embracing all of us with His ever gracious and enduring love. He has been persecuted, wounded and hurt for us and our well-being, and He has died on His Cross to show us the path out of the darkness of sin, that by dying to our own sins, through His grace and love, His most loving sacrifice, suffering and death, all of us may be united to Him in love, and by the baptism which we have received, all of us will leave behind our mortal and wicked past lives, and enter into new lives blessed by God.

The Lord has done so much for each one of us, as we have heard from those Scripture passages, and the Gospel today reminded us all that we should continue to commit ourselves to God and to His path. The Lord Himself reminded His disciples and thus all of us that whatever each and every one of us have done for His sake, will always be remembered and known by God, and we shall be blessed and rewarded for everything that we have done, even in the smallest things. The Lord will always be by our side, providing for us, caring for us and giving us the guidance that we need, no matter what. And for our faith in the Lord, we shall always be blessed and protected, and we will not have to worry about anything.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, that is why this Sunday, as we reflect upon these words from the Sacred Scriptures, all of us are reminded that the Lord has always been with us, guiding us and protecting us. Each one of us have been called by the Lord to be His disciples and missionaries, and to us, each one of us, have been entrusted with the many gifts and blessings of God, the various talents and abilities, the opportunities and the avenues for us to do our part and to follow the way that the Lord has revealed and taught to us. Each one of us have been called and entrusted with the missions, the actions and the works that the Lord has entrusted to His Church, from the very beginning. What He has told and sent out His disciples to do, we have to continue to do and carry out in our world today.

Now we should discern and ask ourselves, if we have lived our lives in the manner that the Lord has told us to do. Have we obeyed the Law and the commandments of God, in the rules and guidance that the Church has taught and shown us? All of us should always be active and committed in the living of our faith, dedicating our every moments, our time, efforts and our every actions and deeds, to the service of God and to do His will. We should be great examples and inspiration for one another, in our faith and way of life, in our commitment and dedication to God, and in everything we say and do, our every interactions and our way of life. All of us should be filled with the love of God, the light of His truth and love. Through this, all of us will become the examples for each other and the beacons of light guiding many others towards God and His salvation.

Let us all therefore do our part, in doing God’s will and in fulfilling our part of the Covenant which God has made with us. All of us should dedicate our every time and abilities, our every actions and works, to glorify the Lord at all times and to support one another in our works and actions. All of us should be full of faith and zeal, in living our daily actions, so that many will be inspired to live a truly worthy life for the Lord. May the Lord, our most loving, compassionate, and all-knowing God, He Who knows all of our thoughts, hearts and deeds, continue to bless us all and empower each one of us to be great and committed servants of His cause, now and always. May He lead us all to the right path and help us to do His will, in our every efforts and endeavours, so that we will always be His worthy and true disciples, and be worthy of His everlasting glory and joy. Amen.