Thursday, 13 July 2023 : 14th Week of Ordinary Time, Memorial of St. Henry (Homily and Scripture Reflections)

Liturgical Colour : Green or White (Saints)

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, today as we listened to the words of the Scriptures, each one of us are reminded that each and every one of us have been sent by God to proclaim His truth and Good News, which He has revealed to all of us, so that we may tell everyone of His great kindness and love, and of everything which He has done for our sake, in loving us and in caring for us. All of us have been blessed to be so beloved by God and to be the ones who have received His favour, and hence, we all should follow Him wholeheartedly and do our very best to honour Him and to profess our faith in Him, by our exemplary lives and actions. Through all of these we will allow more and more people to come to believe in God and His truth, and many more will come to be saved. Of course, not everyone may end up believing in Him, but this does not mean that we should not try.

In our first reading today taken from the Book of Genesis we heard of the story of how Joseph, the son of Jacob or Israel, was reunited with all of his brothers, the other sons of Jacob, as we continue on with the discourse of the story of Abraham and his descendants. Joseph, who was at that time the great Regent of all Egypt, the second most powerful person in that land after the ruler, the Pharaoh himself, recognised his brothers who came to Egypt seeking for sustenance and food, during the seven years of great famine and hardships. He tested his brothers and arranged such that they would bring to him his beloved younger brother Benjamin. Thus, that was how Joseph was reunited with his long separated brothers, which happened because of the other brothers’ jealousy that led to them selling Joseph off to the slavers that brought him to Egypt.

God was with Joseph and He guided him, made him successful and great, but he remembered who he was and how God had helped and provided for him. Hence, Joseph revealed himself to his brothers, and forgave all those who have sold him off to slavery and those who have caused him to experience sufferings and hardships, revealing before them all how God had protected him and been with him all the way, and how He has planned and willed all of these, that the evil intents of Joseph’s brothers had been turned into one of fortune for Joseph and his brothers, for their whole entire families. God sent Joseph into Egypt so that over there he could perform His good works among the people and save countless people and lives from destruction because of the famine and great hardships that would come upon the land.

That sending of Joseph into the land of Egypt was kind of reminiscent of what we later then heard from our Gospel passage today, in which we heard how the Lord sent forth His disciples and followers to go before Him and to do His works and ministry. He sent them all in pairs, two by two, to reach out to the many people that were in need of care and help, and through this, God had shown His most wonderful and amazing love being manifested in the flesh, in reality and truth. God was always with His disciples that even though they encountered many challenges and hardships, rejection and even persecution through many moments and occasions throughout their respective ministries, but by God’s grace all of them continued to thrive and the impact of their works and efforts helped to establish and strengthen the community of the faithful people of God, the Church.

The Lord instructed the disciples on what they should do, and told them what they ought to do if they were welcomed in a certain place or if they were rejected instead. This would indeed come to good use as the Apostles and the many other missionaries, disciples of the Lord embarked on mission works and efforts to proclaim the Good News of the Lord, His truth and salvation. There were many of those who welcomed the disciples and listened to them, following the path that they had set and becoming the followers of the Lord, as Christians. However, there were also those who refused to follow the Lord and resisted the efforts and the works of the Apostles and the many missionaries who had been sent to proclaim the Good News to them, those who persecuted the faithful and oppressed the Church of God.

That is why we are reminded this day that all of us are called to continue the works of the Apostles and the many missionaries and servants of the Lord, in doing the works and efforts of the Lord and His Church, in order to proclaim courageously the salvation of God in the midst of our communities and among the people of God, especially to those who have not yet known Him. All of us have been given the truth, the knowledge and understanding, the Wisdom of the Lord so that we may truly live our lives with faith and to be exemplary in faith, that our every actions, words and deeds may truly be a reflection of our beliefs and our confession of faith, which we have made before Him and others. If we ourselves have not truly and sincerely believed in the Lord, and lived our lives according to our Christian faith and calling, how can we then expect others to believe in Him?

Today, the Church celebrates the feast of St. Henry, also known as Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor, the paramount secular ruler of Christendom during the High Middle Ages, who lived and reigned exactly a millennium ago from this day. St. Henry was renowned for his great piety and dedication to God, for his love for the Law and precepts of God and for his obedience to the Church. St. Henry spent a lot of effort and time in caring for the needs of his subjects, and all those who have been put under his dominion, and at the same time, he was also ever active in promoting the cause of the Church and that of the Christian faith, by establishing Church institutions and by giving his full support on the mission of the Church and the work of evangelisation, which saw great success in the continued growth of the Church and more and more pagans being converted to the true faith in God.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, today we are therefore called to follow the Lord more faithfully following the great examples of our holy predecessors, like that of St. Henry, Holy Roman Emperor, and like that of the Apostles and the other disciples of the Lord, and also the patriarch Joseph, son of Jacob, who had obeyed the Lord and entrusted himself to His providence. Let us all therefore do whatever we can in order to walk ever more devoutly and with greater commitment in the presence of God, proclaiming His truth and love at all times. May God bless us all and our every good works and endeavours, for His greater glory. Amen.