Saturday, 9 March 2024 : 3rd Week of Lent, Memorial of St. Frances of Rome, Religious (Homily and Scripture Reflections)

Liturgical Colour : Purple/Violet

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, today as we listened to the words of the Sacred Scriptures, we continue being reminded of the need for us all to come towards the Lord and seek His mercy and love, as He is truly a loving, compassionate and merciful God, Who has always loved each and every one of us without cease from the very beginning. The Lord has given us many opportunities to come back towards Him, and He has also reminded us to seek His mercy and forgiveness. It is therefore up to us whether we want to embrace this generous offer of mercy and forgiveness or not. In particular, this Lent we should spend more time to come ever closer to God.

In our first reading today, we heard from the Book of the prophet Hosea a reminder and calling that Hosea had made to the people of God living in the kingdoms of Israel and Judah for them to turn away from their sinful and wicked ways, to reject their evil and disobedient actions, embracing once again God’s path, His truth and love, and coming towards Him with contrite and sorrowful hearts and minds. Hosea was sent to a people who were rebellious and stubborn, who refused to listen to reason and to the words of the Lord that had been brought to them by His many prophets and messengers. God continued to send His prophets to them regardless, and through those like Hosea, He first warned them of the consequences and sufferings that they would have to suffer if they kept on walking down the path of sin, but at the same time, He also reassured them of His love and kindness.

The Lord has loved His people all the time since the very beginning, and while He despised their many sins and wickedness, He still wanted to call them all back to His loving embrace and Presence, and thus, He reminded them of their sinfulness and wickedness, turning themselves away from the path of sin and evil. Each and every one of us are called to do the same as well, as we should realise that if we continue to sin against God, then in the end, we will have to face the consequences of those sins we have committed. God gave us all His reassurances that if we are truly repentant and regretful for our sins and faults, then we shall be forgiven and reconciled with Him, and we shall enjoy once again the fullness of His love and grace.

In our Gospel passage today, we heard from the Gospel of St. Luke in which the Lord Jesus told His disciples and all those assembled about the story of how a Pharisee and a tax collector prayed in the House of God. In that story we heard how the Pharisee prayed with great pride and arrogance, praising himself and looking down on the tax collector who was there praying to the Lord as well. Meanwhile, the tax collector prayed with humility, bowing down low before the Lord, recognising his sins and wickedness. The Lord made it clear that it was the prayer of the humble tax collector that was heard by God and it was him who would be forgiven and be found more worthy than the prideful and arrogant Pharisee. treats us well, and we are all precious and beloved by Him, and we really should not take it for granted. He has given us all many opportunities and chances to reach out to Him for help and liberation from our many sins, and we should embrace His love and mercy.

Today, the Church also celebrates the Feast of a great and holy woman, whose faith and dedication in serving others who are less fortunate, her piety, holiness and commitment to God should be good examples and inspirations for all of us to follow. St. Frances of Rome was born into a wealthy Roman family during the late Middle Ages, and while she wanted to be a religious nun early on, her wealthy family forced her to marry an influential and wealthy man. Regardless, this marriage proved to be a long-lasting and happy one. She was truly a virtuous and holy woman, an exemplary wife and servant of God in all things.

St. Frances of Rome dedicated herself in her own ways to contribute to the Church and to the people around her as best as she could. She involved herself very actively in her community, in reaching out to the poor and the sick, caring them and showing them gentle care, affection and love. In one occasion, during a period of flood and famine, it was recorded that she even opened her rich family’s large estate and turned part of it into a hospital to care for the sick and the dying. This led to opposition from her father-in-law, but the same man ceased his opposition when St. Frances miraculously caused the corn bins and wine barrels to be refilled after she prayed for them, showing clear signs of Divine favour.

St. Frances continued to involve herself in the many affairs of the Church and her community at the time, especially at the moment when there were lots of conflicts and divisions in the community. She continued to take care of the poor and the sick, using her blessings and other means within her reach to help those who had no one to help or care for them. She lived a very devout and holy life, and she inspired many other women to join her effort and cause, eventually leading to the foundation of the religious confraternity called the Olivetan Oblates of Mary, through which she continued to do her charitable works to the end of her life.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, let us all therefore strive to follow the good examples and inspiration shown to us by St. Frances of Rome, who have dedicated herself and her whole life to serve the Lord and the people around her, that we may also live our lives with great faith in God, and ever always filled with generous love for one another. In this time and season of Lent, let us all continue to live our lives with ever stronger desire to follow the Lord our God, to commit ourselves to Him and to do His will. Let us all continue to do what we can so that our whole lives may continue to be good examples for everyone around us. May God be with us all and may He empower us to be His faithful disciples and followers at all times. Amen.

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