Tuesday, 21 May 2024 : 7th Week of Ordinary Time, Memorial of St. Christopher Magallanes, Priest and Martyr, and Companions, Martyrs (Homily and Scripture Reflections)

Liturgical Colour : Green or Red (Martyrs)

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, today as we embark on the journey of faith, continuing on from our celebrations and festivities throughout the Easter season earlier on, and entering into this time of the Ordinary Season, we must remind ourselves that each and every one of us as Christians have been called to be good role models and inspirations for one another, in how we live our lives and in what we say and do, in how we interact with one another in our respective communities and places, so that by our lives, our actions, words and deeds we may indeed show that we truly belong to the Lord, at all times.

In our first reading today, we heard from the Epistle of St. James in which the Apostle in his exhortation to the faithful people of God reminded them all that as Christians they should always remember that they must always live their lives centred on God, and they should not allow themselves to be swayed by the desires, temptations, squabbles and conflicts of the world, which many of the faithful at that time fell prey to, causing the Apostles like St. James, St. Paul and others to grieve over how fellow Christian brothers and sisters were quarrelling with one another over worldly ambitions and matters, which they should not have done in the first place.

St. James reminded the faithful that they should be people of the Spirit, and not to follow the path of the flesh and the world, as their wrong motives, ambitions and desires are stumbling blocks that could prevent them from attaining true righteousness in God, and not only that, but their squabbles and quarrels were also unbecoming of them being Christians, who were supposed to be filled with God’s love, as Christ had taught all of them to love one another generously and tenderly, and not to be at each others’ throats over worldly matters, attachments and desires as they had done at that time.

St. James also reminded all of the faithful to distance themselves therefore from all sorts of vile things, impurities and corruptions from the world, from any sorts of wicked attachments and ambitions, the many temptations that could cause them to fall deeper and deeper into the path of sin and causing scandal for the Church and for their faith, besmirching the good and Holy Name of God in their pursuit for worldly glory and achievements. That is why St. James reminded all of the faithful, including all of us, to resist the temptations of worldly glory and ambition, to restrain our ego, pride and desires, and to be humble at all times, seeking to purify ourselves from all the corruptions of sin and evil.

In the Gospel passage today, this same theme and message are again repeated through what the Lord Jesus told to His disciples. He first of all told them the prediction and premonition of what He Himself would have to endure, betrayal, persecution, arrest and eventually suffering and death, which all happened during the time of His Passion and Crucifixion at Calvary. Back then, many of the disciples who followed the Lord Jesus thought that the Lord Who was considered widely as the Messiah or the Saviour. As per the common knowledge and considerations of the time, the Messiah was expected to restore the Kingdom of Israel, and as Son of David, to reign as King over Israel, and hence, overthrowing the yoke of the conquerors and rulers like the Romans and others who had put Israel under bondage.

Hence, some if not many of those disciples had ulterior motives in following the Lord, desiring power and glory, riches and ambitions, just as others who followed other worldly figures, kings and rulers throughout history. Many of these people sought power, fame, riches and influence, worldly goods and other satisfaction through association with the ones whom they were following. But the Lord told His disciples that to become His followers, it is not like becoming followers of all the other worldly rulers and figures. As He Himself showed by example, through the little children who were there, He told them all that to follow Him, they ought to be humble like the children, and not to allow themselves to be corrupted by worldly temptations and ambitions.

Like the ones to whom St. James addressed his Epistle to, the disciples of the Lord at that time also bickered and quarrelled with each other over who among them were the most important and influential ones, of who among them were more esteemed and honoured by the Lord, or who were closer to Him. But the Lord told them all that all those things were not what they should be seeking for in becoming His disciples. Instead, they should be like children in their faith and way of life, because those children, when they believe in something, they truly, sincerely and genuinely believe in them, not being sullied or corrupted by earthly desires and the ambitions of this world.

This is why, all of us today are also reminded by these readings from the Scriptures, that we should also reflect on our disposition in life in how we have lived our lives as Christians. If we have not put God at the centre and as the focus of our lives and existence, and allow the temptations and desires of this world, and the temptations of our ego and ambitions to lived our lives worthily in the manner that is expected of us, then how can we then help others to believe in God? Worse still, if our actions, behaviours and deeds contradict our beliefs and faith, it may even bring about scandal to our faith and to the Holy Name of God, and causing people to distance themselves from the Church and the Christian faith instead. All of us need to live our lives with genuine faith and commitment to God, and we must strive to do our best, to live each and every moments of our lives worthily so that we may be good examples and inspirations for one another.

Today, the Church also celebrates the feast of St. Christopher Magallanes, great priest and servant of God who dedicated himself to the mission entrusted to him, in proclaiming the Good News of the Lord and standing up for the Christian faith, teachings and truth, while facing trials and persecutions, which eventually led to his martyrdom. St. Christopher Magallanes lived and ministered as priest during a rather challenging time to be Christians in Mexico, about a hundred or so years ago, when the government, then dominated by those who were hostile to the Church and the faith, committed acts and enforced laws that sought to cripple and destroy the Catholic Church, and persecuted the faithful openly, especially the members of the clergy and priests like St. Christopher Magallanes.

Seminaries and other Church institutions were closed, and some priests like St. Christopher Magallanes continued carrying out priestly formation in clandestine seminaries to ensure the continued survival of the Church. All these harsh treatments against the Church led to open rebellions and conflicts between the supporters and the opponents of the Church, known as the Cristero War. Many members of the faithful were persecuted greatly and quite a few lost their lives, persecuted and tortured, and some even summarily executed without trial by those who were hostile to the Church. This was the fate faced by St. Christopher Magallanes, who risked his life in continuing to minister to the faithful despite the many threats and dangers facing his life as a Catholic priest working during the time of conflict and open persecution against the clergy and the other members of the faithful. When he was about to be executed, he forgave his persecutors and executors, even giving absolutions to them for what they were about to commit against him.

Through the examples of those holy martyrs and saints we have been shown how we all should live our lives as Christians, by putting emphasis and focus not on ourselves and our own selfish desires, but rather on the Lord and His will. Each and every one of us as Christians ought to do our best in our lives to be good role models and inspirations, in how we live, so that our lives truly showcase our faith in the Lord, to be full of love just as the Lord our God is ever full of love for us. We are all called to love our fellow brothers and sisters, to do what we can so that we can continue to touch the lives of others around us, reaching out especially to those who are suffering and facing difficulties and challenges in life.

May the Lord continue to help and strengthen us in our faith, and may He help us to walk ever more faithfully in His path, living our lives with genuine love and care for our fellow brothers and sisters, seeking not worldly glory, power, fame, riches and ambitions, but instead striving to do as best as we can to lead others to the path of the Lord, to proclaim His truth and Good News to more and more people we encounter in our respective lives. May the Lord bless us all in our every good efforts and endeavours, and encourage us through the good examples of his saints, like the courageous St. Christopher Magallanes and his companions in martyrdom. Amen.

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