Friday, 24 May 2024 : 7th Week of Ordinary Time, Memorial of Mary Help of Christians and Our Lady of Sheshan, and World Day of Prayer for the Church in China (Homily and Scripture Reflections)

Liturgical Colour : Green or White (Mary Help of Christians and Our Lady of Sheshan)

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, today as we all listened from the words of the Sacred Scriptures, we are reminded of the need for all of us to remember once again the Law and commandments of the Lord, and our obligations and responsibilities as Christians in obeying God’s will and in doing what the Lord had entrusted to us and what He had taught us to do. Each and every one of us as Christians must always strive to be truly committed to God in all of our words, actions and deeds, to be great role models and inspirations for one another in the way and the manner that we live our lives, so that by our great examples in life and by our worthy way of life, we may truly embody what believe in as Christians, as God’s holy and beloved people.

In our first reading today, we heard from the Epistle of St. James the Apostle in which the Apostle continued with his exhortations to the faithful people of God, as part of his reminders to all of them not to live their lives following the wicked ways and temptations of the world, all of which could lead them astray and prevent them from attaining true happiness, joy and salvation in the Lord. All those worldly temptations and glory, fame and pleasures of the world, the pleasures of the flesh and all sorts of gratification and corruption all may lead us down the slippery slope into the path of sin and evil, out of which we may find it quite difficult to escape. Many of our predecessors had been tempted such and fell away from the path of God’s righteousness and grace.

That was why St. James told the faithful to be truly genuine in their faith, and to be truly committed to God. They should no longer be idle in their faith but be truly committed to God in all things, in everything that they all say and do, so that by their lives, the truth and glory of God may indeed be revealed to all. The Lord has called on all of His beloved people, His followers and disciples to be the bearers of His truth and Good News, and the best way for us to do this and to proclaim the Lord, His Good News and truth is to practice our faith in our everyday living, in our every actions, words, deeds, interactions with one another, down to the smallest things we say and do in each and every moments of our existence. That is our calling and responsibility as Christians.

And St. James in particular made a point in his Epistle, that our faith has to be made alive through our concrete actions and works, for faith that is without works is dead. We are all justified by our faith in the Lord, but this faith cannot be one that is lacking in genuine commitment, love and actions, grounded and based upon the faith that we have in the Lord. Otherwise, if we do not act in the manner that our faith has called us to be like, and if we worse still commit things that are in opposition and contradictory to the Law of God, to His will and commandments, then essentially we are hypocrites, who profess this faith in God, and yet we do not live up to our faith as we should have. This kind of faith is dead, and will not lead us into eternal life and salvation. We must remember that our baptism is not the end of the road but rather the beginning of a new life in Christ, a new journey that is complete with its various trials and challenges.

Then, in our Gospel passage today, we heard from the Gospel of St. Mark where the Lord was in a deep discussion with the members of the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law who were debating about the matter of marriage and divorce according to the Law of Moses. We heard how the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law tested and debated the Lord on the matter of marriage and divorce, because according to the Law of God revealed through Moses and the commandments and laws provided with it, divorce was allowed as long as the necessary proceedings were done. But the Lord rebuked those Pharisees and the teachers of the Law, telling them all that they had essentially twisted the purpose, meaning and intention of the Law. What Moses did in making compromises at that time to accommodate the stubbornness of the Israelites had become an excuse for the people of God to disobey God by using the technicalities of the Law.

Essentially, brothers and sisters in Christ, the Lord Jesus wanted to remind not just the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law, but also all of us as Christians, that we all should not end up being superficial in our faith, but rather we must truly be genuine in believing everything that the Lord has taught us. Many among the Pharisees at that time had become too legalistic and literal in their interpretation and application of the Law of God, choosing to focus on the details and rituals involved in the Law and the customs of the people of God, but forgetting why those laws and customs were made in the first place. It is again like those who profess to believe in something and yet act in a different manner, which is why the Lord Jesus often criticised many among the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law as hypocrites. As Christians, we must remember that our every actions and commitments are important in ensuring that we truly are living our lives with true and living, genuine and vibrant faith in God.

Today, the Church celebrates the event of the Feast of Mary Help of Christians, as well as Our Lady of Sheshan, who is the celebrated form of Mary Help of Christians popularised by the pilgrim site of Sheshan Basilica in the area of Shanghai. This site of Sheshan Basilica today, also known as the Basilica of Mary, Help of Christians, was built where the early Christian missionaries established themselves in China during the time when China began to open itself to the outside world after years of severely restricting the activities of Christian missionaries. About a century and a half ago, Catholic missionaries began working in and around Shanghai area, where there was a rapidly growing Catholic community owing to the foreign settlement in Shanghai.

Jesuit missionaries built the church in that area to serve as a focal point of the missionary efforts, and to thank the Blessed Virgin Mary for her protection from the tumultuous events, conflicts and wars that happened at the time due to the Taiping Rebellion and other hardships facing the Christian faithful in the region. Thus, the Church was consecrated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and Our Lady of Sheshan in thanksgiving for her patronage and protection of the missionaries and the faithful people of God from harm. Thus the devotion to Our Lady of Sheshan began and many more people would flock to this Basilica in the years and decades to come. And at the same time, for those period, the Church and the Christian faithful continued to face lots of obstacles and hardships, persecutions and challenges.

That is why today in particular we remember first of all the Catholic Church in China, which had been under a lot of persecutions and trials in the past few decades, facing threats to its existence and also persecution from the officials and government who wanted to take over and control the Church and all the faithful, even to the extent of separating the Church from the greater Communion with the Universal Church by operating under close supervision and attachment to the communist and officially atheistic government. All these had led to a lot of grievances to the Church and the faithful people of God in China over these many years, and yet, many if not most of the members of the Church of God in China still continued to be faithful and dedicated to the Lord regardless of the sufferings that they would have to face.

Throughout the world, there are also many challenges and trials that our fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord have to experience in each and every moments of their lives. If we are able to celebrate our faith and live our lives as Christians openly and freely, then we must consider ourselves very fortunate as there are many places where to be Christians, as it was in the past and now in the present world, may include hardships and sufferings, and there are also many who has to brave through dangers and even martyrdom in order to be able to worship the Lord and to proclaim Him in their communities and groups. And yet, our faithful brothers and sisters persevered on and they continued to hold on to their faith in God despite the challenges facing them.

Hence, brothers and sisters in Christ, inspired by the great examples of our brothers and sisters who have to go through great trials and hardships to faithful to God, let us all strive to be truly faithful to the Lord in our own lives. Let us all not be merely faithful on the exterior but dead in faith on the inside. Let us all live our lives worthily and faithfully in the manner how we have believed in the Lord, proclaiming the glory of God and revealing His truth and Good News to all the people through our own exemplary and faithful lives. May the Lord bless us all and our every good efforts and endeavours, and may His Blessed Mother, Mary, Help of Christians and Our Lady of Sheshan, continue to intercede for us all, her beloved children, especially for those who suffer daily in living up to their Christian faith and missions. Amen.

Friday, 24 May 2024 : 7th Week of Ordinary Time, Memorial of Mary Help of Christians and Our Lady of Sheshan, and World Day of Prayer for the Church in China (Gospel Reading)

Liturgical Colour : Green or White (Mary Help of Christians and Our Lady of Sheshan)

Mark 10 : 1-12

At that time, Jesus then left that place and went to the province of Judea, beyond the Jordan River. Once more crowds gathered around Him and once more He taught them as He always did. Some (Pharisees came and) put Him to the test with this question, “Is it right for a husband to divorce his wife?”

He replied, “What law did Moses give you?” They answered, “Moses allowed us to write a certificate of dismissal in order to divorce.” Then Jesus said to them, “Moses wrote this law for you, because you are stubborn. But in the beginning of creation God made them male and female, and because of this, man has to leave father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one body. So they are no longer two but one body. Therefore let no one separate what God has joined.”

When they were indoors at home, the disciples again asked Him about this, and He told them, “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against his wife, and the woman who divorces her husband and marries another also commits adultery.”

Friday, 24 May 2024 : 7th Week of Ordinary Time, Memorial of Mary Help of Christians and Our Lady of Sheshan, and World Day of Prayer for the Church in China (Psalm)

Liturgical Colour : Green or White (Mary Help of Christians and Our Lady of Sheshan)

Psalm 102 : 1-2, 3-4, 8-9, 11-12

Praise YHVH, my soul; all my being, praise His holy Name! Praise YHVH, my soul, and do not forget all His kindness.

He forgives all your sins and heals all your sickness; He redeems your life from destruction and crowns you with love and compassion.

YHVH is gracious and merciful, abounding in love and slow to anger; He will not always scold nor will He be angry forever.

As the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His love for those fearing Him; as far as the east is from the west, so far does He remove from us our sins.

Friday, 24 May 2024 : 7th Week of Ordinary Time, Memorial of Mary Help of Christians and Our Lady of Sheshan, and World Day of Prayer for the Church in China (First Reading)

Liturgical Colour : Green or White (Mary Help of Christians and Our Lady of Sheshan)

James 5 : 9-12

Beloved, do not fight among yourselves and you will not be judged. See, the Judge is already at the door. Take for yourselves, as an example of patience, the suffering of the prophets, who spoke in the Lord’s Name. See how those who were patient are called blessed. You have heard of the patience of Job and know how the Lord dealt with him in the end. For the Lord is merciful and shows compassion.

Above all, my beloved, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth, or make a habit of swearing. Let your yes be yes and your no be no, lest you become liable for judgment.