Friday, 31 May 2024 : Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Homily and Scripture Reflections)

Liturgical Colour : White

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, today the Church celebrates the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, commemorating the moment when Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and God, visited her cousin Elizabeth, who was the mother of St. John the Baptist, the Herald of the Messiah, at the moment when Elizabeth was already heavily pregnant with her son, and when Mary herself was just visited by the Archangel Gabriel who told her of everything that God had entrusted to her, that she would become the Mother of the Son of God Most High, and hence becoming the Mother of God. Through what had happened at that time we are all reminded of the great love of God for us and all the things that He had done for our sake, just as He had done to Mary and Elizabeth.

This celebration takes place on the last day of the month of May, which is commemorated in the Church as a Marian month, celebrating the important role that Mary has played in the history of our salvation, by bearing within her the Saviour of the world Himself. Today as we conclude this Marian month of May, it is appropriate and fitting therefore that we commemorate it once again with this Feast of the Visitation, to remind ourselves ever more of the importance of Mary in our faith and even more importantly, of how Mary, the Mother of God and our loving Mother, can be the great inspiration and role model in how we all ought to live our own lives as Christians. Mary is indeed our surest and straightest path towards our Lord, her beloved Son, to Whom she always directed us to.

In our first reading today, we heard from the Book of the prophet Zephaniah and from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans, in which the former spoke about the coming of God’s salvation to His people and how everyone ought to rejoice because God would lift up from them the shame of their predicament and sufferings, as He remembered His love for them, and how He would restore them to His fullness of grace and love through the salvation that He has promised to them. St. Paul echoed this hope and also reminded the faithful people of God to live worthily of the Lord and to do what God had taught and asked them to do, shunning all forms of wickedness and evils which had once sundered them from His love and grace.

Both of these readings spoke to us about living our lives faithfully as Christians in the manner that we have been shown by the Lord, and in how His disciples and followers have lived, full of love firstly for the Lord and then also love for one another, our fellow brothers and sisters. To be Christians is indeed a calling for us to embrace our Lord’s path, in being full of love and compassion for everyone, to be kind and compassionate for those who are around us and those whom we encounter in each and every moments of our lives. Love is the important characteristic in our faith, and one which Mary is also full with, as she loved us all her children, just as much as she has loved and devoted herself thoroughly to her Son, and in how she showed love for her relatives, like that of Elizabeth.

This moment of the Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth as described in our Gospel passage today also happened because Mary must have loved and cared for Elizabeth, her cousin, upon hearing from the Archangel Gabriel that she had been pregnant with a child even in her old age. Mary made the journey to where Elizabeth lived in, in the mountainous region of Judea, which was not exactly near the town of Nazareth that she lived in, to visit her and to show her solidarity with her. All these showed just the kind of loving woman that Mary was, who was willing to go all the way to reach out to those whom she has loved and cared for like Elizabeth, as well as for her own Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, to Whom she had dedicated her whole life, from the womb to the cradle and to the Cross, where she even witnessed her Son dying before her very own eyes.

In all of these things, Mary has continued to be faithful to the Lord, devoting herself thoroughly to Him and allowing God to lead her in whatever He had entrusted to her to do. In that way therefore, the Lord had blessed her indeed to be greater than all other women, and all of the children of Adam and Eve. This was not just because she is the Mother of God and the Ark of the New Covenant, hallowed and blessed by God, Immaculate and free from the taint of original sin, but also because she is and remained full of grace throughout her whole life, committing herself out of perfect and pure love for her Son and to all those who have been entrusted to her loving care, namely all of us, whom she has been entrusted with as her own children.

Therefore, brothers and sisters in Christ, today as we have all been reminded of the great faith and examples showed by Mary, Most Holy, Mother of God and our Mother, who have been our great role model in faith and our inspiration, let us all remember our calling and respective missions and vocations in life, to be a truly holy and loving people, filled with the holiness and love of God just as Mary our Mother herself has been filled with holiness and love that radiated from her. All of us are called to be loving to one another and to show care and compassion for our brethren, especially the less fortunate among us, and ultimately to love the Lord our God, with all of our strength and might at all times. We must truly be God’s holy and beloved people in all things.

May our lives continue to inspire everyone around us in the manner that Mary, our Mother and the Mother of Our Lord and Saviour has always inspired us. Let our lives be truly holy and worthy of God in all the things that we say and do, in our every efforts and endeavours, in our every works and interactions with everyone whom we encounter and meet in our lives. Let us all entrust ourselves anew to the Lord, and do our best to be the shining beacons of His light, hope and truth in our darkened world today, that the Light of Christ and the great love that He has shown us, as is the love that His Mother Mary has shown, her faith and devotion to God may dispel the darkness surrounding us all, and lead us all into the eternal life that has been promised to us. Amen.

Friday, 31 May 2024 : Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Gospel Reading)

Liturgical Colour : White

Luke 1 : 39-56

Mary then set out for a town in the hill country of Judah. She entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leapt in her womb.

Elizabeth was filled with Holy Spirit, and giving a loud cry, said, “You are most blessed among women, and blessed is the Fruit of your womb! How is it that the mother of my Lord comes to me? The moment your greeting sounded in my ears, the baby within me suddenly leapt for joy. Blessed are you who believed that the Lord’s word would come true!”

And Mary said, “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit exults in God my Saviour! He has looked upon His servant in her lowliness, and people forever will call me blessed.”

“The Mighty One has done great things for me, Holy is His Name! From age to age His mercy extends to those who live in His presence. He has acted with power and done wonders, and scattered the proud with their plans. He has put down the mighty from their thrones, and lifted up those who are downtrodden. He has filled the hungry with good things, but has sent the rich away empty.”

“He held out His hand to Israel, His servant, for He remembered His mercy, even as He promised to our fathers, to Abraham and his descendants forever.”

Mary remained with Elizabeth about three months, and then returned home.

Friday, 31 May 2024 : Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Psalm)

Liturgical Colour : White

Isaiah 12 : 2-3, 4bcd, 5-6

He is the God of my salvation; in Him I trust and am not afraid. YHVH is my strength : Him I will praise, the One Who saved me. You will draw water with joy from the very fountain of salvation.

Praise to the Lord, break into songs of joy for Him, proclaim His marvellous deeds among the nations and exalt His Name.

Sing to the Lord : wonders He has done, let these be known all over the earth. Sing for joy, o people of Zion, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.

Friday, 31 May 2024 : Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (First Reading)

Liturgical Colour : White

Zephaniah 3 : 14-18

Cry out with joy, o daughter of Zion; rejoice, o people of Israel! Sing joyfully with all your heart, daughter of Jerusalem! YHVH has lifted your sentence and has driven your enemies away. YHVH, the King of Israel is with you; do not fear any misfortune.

On that day they will say to Jerusalem : Do not be afraid nor let your hands tremble, for YHVH your God is within you, YHVH, saving Warrior. He will jump for joy on seeing you, for He has revived His love. For you He will cry out with joy, as you do in the days of the Feast.

I will drive away the evil I warned you about, and you will no longer be ashamed.

Alternative reading

Romans 12 : 9-16b

Let love be sincere. Hate what is evil and hold to whatever is good. Love one another and be considerate. Outdo one another in mutual respect. Be zealous in fulfilling your duties. Be fervent in the Spirit and serve God.

Have hope and be cheerful. Be patient in trials and pray constantly. Share with other Christians in need. With those passing by, be ready to receive them. Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not wish evil on anyone. Rejoice with those who are joyful, and weep with those who weep.

Live in peace with one another. Do not dream of extraordinary things.