Monday, 24 June 2024 : Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist (Homily and Scripture Reflections)

Liturgical Colour : White

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, today the Universal Church celebrates the great occasion of the Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, marking the moment when St. John the Baptist, the one whom the Lord had sent before Him to prepare His path, was born into the world, approximately six months before the Nativity of Our Lord Himself, based on the Scriptural tradition that Elizabeth, the mother of St. John the Baptist and the cousin of Mary, the Mother of Our Lord, had been pregnant for about six months when the Archangel Gabriel came to visit Mary in Nazareth to announce to her the Good News of the coming of the salvation of God. Elizabeth and Mary were both recipients of great graces from God, and their pregnancies were both miraculous and wonderful, truly graces and blessings of God.

We know that Mary became pregnant with the Lord Jesus, the Son of God Most High by the power of the Holy Spirit without any human intervention, a Virgin bearing a Child within her just as prophesied by the prophets of God. Meanwhile, Elizabeth was pregnant in her old age, way beyond a woman’s childbearing age after having waited for many years if not decades for a child without any success. She had been barren for a long time, and at that time, barrenness was a sign of curse and lack of God’s blessings, and people put a lot of emphasis on the ability for a woman to bear and raise a child. While Zechariah, her husband and priest of the Temple of Jerusalem and Elizabeth had been faithful to the Lord, they were childless, but God had a truly greater plan for them, as it was through them that the Herald of the Messiah, the one to prepare the way for the Lord would be born into this world.

Initially, Zechariah, St. John the Baptist’s father did not believe in the words of the Angel of God, which tradition assigned to be the same Archangel Gabriel, who appeared before him at the Temple, proclaiming the miraculous events that would transpire, and how he would become the father of God’s messenger and herald. Thus Zechariah was rendered mute, until the occasion as depicted in our Gospel passage today happened, which was the exact moment when the baby, St. John the Baptist was born of his mother, Elizabeth, and Zechariah proclaimed the name of the child, which the Archangel had told him, that was John. Thus Zechariah’s mouth was reopened and his tongue was loosened, and he immediately proclaimed the glory of God for all the great and wonderful deeds which the Lord had done for the sake of His people.

St. John the Baptist was the one who was to prepare the Lord’s path, straightening His path and calling upon the people of God to return back towards Him, repenting from their many sins and wicked deeds. His coming has been prophesied by the prophets, like we heard from the first reading today from the prophet Isaiah, which spoke of the coming of God’s salvation, and how He was going to send His servant, through whom the scattered people of Israel, the holy people of God would be gathered back and reunited with God. St. John the Baptist would labour hard and spent a lot of effort for years, calling on all the people of God to return back to the path of righteousness, and through his famous baptisms, he would gather many who sought and desired for the healing and reconciliation with God. Thus, he was known well as St. John the Baptist or the Baptiser.

Now, on this day as we rejoice in the celebration of the Nativity of this great servant of God, let us all remind ourselves that each and every one of us have been called to follow in the faith and in the footsteps of this great man of God, St. John the Baptist, who has faithfully served the Lord and committed himself thoroughly to the missions which had been entrusted to him. As we rejoice in his birth and coming into this world, let us all remember our own calling and ministry in our own respective areas in life so that we may know what we truly ought to be doing as part of our livelihood as God’s holy and beloved people. God has chosen St. John the Baptist to echo the call to all the people to embrace His salvation and grace, and we have been reminded of this call today.

All of us have received God’s love and His wonderful grace, His compassion and forgiveness, through which He has made us all whole once again, by the works and the loving sacrifice of His Son, Our Lord and Saviour, for Whom St. John the Baptist had toiled and laboured. Therefore, each and every one of us who have been made to be parts and members of the one Church of God, the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, all of us are reminded that we should always be in God’s love and grace, attuned to His will and obeying His commandments and Law. There are still plenty of areas and many people in this world who have not yet known the Lord and His truth, His Good News and salvation, and it is therefore up to all of us to proclaim Him, courageously and devotedly as St. John the Baptist had once done.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, all of us as members of the Church are also parts of its missionary and evangelising efforts, in reaching out to more and more people who have not yet known the Lord. In our own respective areas and vocations, be it as an ordained minister, or as a layperson, as a consecrated religious or in any other form of our unique vocations, in even the smallest and seemingly least significant efforts and works which we carry out in proclaiming the Lord and His Good News, all of these are important in bringing forth the works of God made evident and tangible through His Church. No matter how small our efforts or how insignificant it may seem, each and every one of our efforts and outreach, our exemplary lives and inspirations are part of the greater efforts of the Church.

Let us all therefore strive to do our best in our daily lives, to be truly faithful to God, to listen to God and His will, obeying His Law and commandments, following Him in whatever He commands us to do and fulfilling whatever vocations and matters He has entrusted to us. Let us all no longer be idle but be active, contributing and faithful Christians in all the things that we say and do, and let us all be the shining beacons of God’s light, His hope and love in our communities today, that we may strengthen and inspire others around us to come to believe in the Lord and to follow Him as well. May God be with us all, be with His Church and bless us in our every good efforts and endeavours, for His greater glory. Amen.

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