Sunday, 28 April 2024 : Fifth Sunday of Easter (Homily and Scripture Reflections)

Liturgical Colour : White

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, this Sunday we all celebrate the occasion of the Fifth Sunday of Easter, and as we continue to mark with great joy our Easter commemoration and festivities, we are all reminded to continue to place our focus and emphasis in life upon none other than Our Lord Himself, in all His truth and love, and in everything which He Himself has revealed and given to us through His Son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Saviour. On this Sunday all of us are reminded that if we truly call ourselves as Christians then we really have to centre our whole lives and existence, our every actions, words and deeds upon the Lord, so that in everything that we say and do, we will always be the good role models and inspirations for one another, helping many more people to come ever closer to God and His salvation.

In our first reading today, we heard of the moment when Saul, the former enemy of the Lord and His Church, began to do his work and ministry among the people of God in Jerusalem after he was converted through his dramatic encounter with the Lord on his way to Damascus earlier on. Saul had embraced the Lord wholeheartedly and turned away completely from his previously erroneous path, actions and way of life, no longer a persecutor of Christians, of God’s followers and people, but instead, becoming a great role model and champion for the same Christians instead, in proclaiming the truth of the Risen Lord, His teachings, His resurrection and His ways to everyone, to the surprise and astonishment of the Jewish authorities and the early Christian community alike.

St. Paul was called by the Lord to be His disciple and follower, and to be the one who would bear the truth of God to the non-Jewish people, the Gentiles. St. Paul, who was a Jew, was also born and spent his youth in Tarsus, in the area of the diaspora away from the lands of the Jews in Judea and Galilee, where he had lots of experiences and encounters early on with the Gentiles like the Greeks, Romans and other local populations living in the region. His experiences and expertise, his mission and vocation therefore is reasonably centred around the outreach towards all those people, opening the path of God’s salvation to more and more people, reminding everyone that the Lord loves all of His children, all those whom He had created, regardless of their race, background and origin, and thus, he began his ministry in proclaiming the truth of God to all the people of all the nations.

And it is this great missionary zeal and efforts which St. Paul carried out throughout his ministry, all that was how the Church kept on growing rapidly and from strength to strength despite the challenges and trials that they were constantly facing, simply because they were with the Lord, and the Lord guided and strengthened them all through all those difficult moments and struggles, the hands He guided St. Paul and the other disciples with. As long as the Lord was with His people, with His disciples and missionaries, the Church will overcome all things, even the greatest trials and challenges, just as He Himself had said, that not even the gates of hell will be able to hold against His Church which He has established in this world upon the foundation of the Apostles, and is the visible union of all of His faithful ones.

This is what St. John the Apostle also reminded all the faithful people of God in his Epistle, part of which is mentioned in our second reading passage today, where St. John told the faithful to continue living their lives in accordance to the commandments and the Law of God, obeying whatever it is that the Lord Himself has revealed to us through His Church and through the Holy Spirit, ever guiding us in our lives and actions, in each and every moments of our lives. All of us as Christians, as God’s holy and beloved people, those whom He has called and chosen, all of us must embody within us the true faith in Christ and everything that we have been taught and shown so that in all things and at every moment, we will always continue to do our best to glorify the Lord by our lives.

If we truly believe in the Lord and consider ourselves as Christians, then we will certainly do our utmost in order to live in accordance with the path and ways that God has shown us. Each and every one of us are reminded that in everything we say and do, we should always be filled with God’s love and grace, full of love firstly for the Lord our God Himself, and then surely for one another, for our fellow brothers and sisters, in how we interact with one another, with those whom we encounter in our daily lives. We have to be truly committed and full of compassion for our fellow men, in whatever we say and do, that by our examples, God’s love may touch more and more of those who have not yet known or realised His ever generous love, compassion and mercy.

In our Gospel passage today, we then heard of the Lord Jesus teaching His disciples using a parable, the Parable of the True Vine, in order to tell all of them to remain firmly attached to Him and His truth, and not to separate themselves from Him, or to follow their own path and desires. The Lord revealed Himself as the True Vine, the One through Whom all truth, all life shall come from, using the terms that were familiar to the people of the time, as vineyards were common in the lands of the Israelites, and the people, including the disciples themselves, would have recognised what is meant by the Lord’s parable. This is because if the grapes are not attached to the vine, then they would not only not grow, but they would perish and die. This is therefore an important message and reminder by the Lord to His Church, to all of us that we must always be firmly centred and attached to Him, in all of our faith and lives.

If we allow ourselves to be swayed by the temptations of worldly glory and pleasures, fame and ambition, we may end up falling away, further away from the true path of Christ. All the Apostles and the disciples of the Lord, the early Church fathers and missionaries have remained firmly true in this path, in the missions and journey that they had undertaken in proclaiming the truth and salvation of God to the nations. There were however many others who have gone astray, who have embraced worldly ambitions and temptations, leading many into the false paths and evils, the path of heresy and disobedience against God. That was how many heresies sprung up in the early Church, leading to divisions in the Body of Christ, the Church of God, breaking the unity of the Church and leading to many people falling into the path of sin and darkness.

Therefore, brothers and sisters in Christ, let us all realise that we must always adhere closely to the fullness of the teachings of the Lord as preserved and taught by His Church, and not to give in to the temptations to embark on our own ideals and interpretations that may lead us down the path of error and even heresy, as what many of our predecessors had done. We have to remember that as parts and members of the same Church of God, the Body of Christ, all of us are united in Our Lord and Saviour, and we ought to believe in Him and His truth wholeheartedly. Otherwise, if we allow ourselves to be swayed by those temptations and wicked desires all around us, then we may end up falling ever deeper into the path of sin and evil, and from there, we may find it hard to get out and return to the path towards the Lord and His salvation. We must remember that separated from the Lord, we can do nothing and there is absolutely no hope for any one of us.

Instead, let us all continue to embrace the Lord and remind ourselves to stay faithful to His Law and commandments, doing our very best to live our lives in accordance with His ways. Let us all continue to bear rich fruits of grace and righteousness, of virtue and love, of Christ’s light and truth, by our every good works and deeds, and by everything that we do, in our every endeavours and efforts, to glorify the Lord by our lives. May the Risen Lord continue to bless us all and may He continue to guide and strengthen us in our path in life, in whatever we do for the sake of His glory, and for all that He has called us to do in our respective lives, to be His worthy and good missionaries, all throughout our lives, now and forevermore. Amen.

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