Sunday, 1 July 2018 : Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Psalm)

Liturgical Colour : Green

Psalm 29 : 2 and 4, 5-6, 11-12a and 13b

I extol You, o Lord, for You have rescued me; my enemies will not gloat over me.

O Lord, You have brought me up from the grave, You gave me life when I was going to the pit. Sing to the Lord, o you His saints, give thanks and praise to His holy Name. For His anger lasts but a little while, and His kindness all through life. Weeping may tarry for the night, but rejoicing comes with the dawn.

Hear, o Lord, and have mercy on me; O Lord, be my Protector. But now, You have turned my mourning into rejoicing; You have taken off my sackcloth and wrapped me in the garments of gladness. And so my soul, no longer silent, now sings praise without ceasing. O Lord my God, forever will I give You thanks.

Sunday, 1 July 2018 : Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time (First Reading)

Liturgical Colour : Green

Wisdom 1 : 13-15 and Wisdom 2 : 23-24

God did not make death, nor does He rejoice in the destruction of the living. Since He has created everything, all creatures of the universe are for our good; there is no deadly poison in them and the netherworld has no dominion over the earth, because justice is immortal.

Indeed God created man to be immortal in the likeness of His own nature, but the envy of the devil brought death to the world, and those who take his side shall experience death.

(Usus Antiquior) Feast of the Most Precious Blood of our Lord (I Classis) – Sunday, 1 July 2018 : Offertory, Secret Prayer of the Priest, Communion and Post-Communion Prayer

Liturgical Colour : Red

1 Corinthians 10 : 16

Calix benedictionis, cui benedicimus, nonne communicatio sanguinis Christi est? Et panis, quem frangimus, nonne participatio corporis Domini est?


English translation

The chalice of benediction which we bless, is it not the communion of the Blood of Christ? And the bread which we break, is it not the partaking of the Body of the Lord?


Secret Prayer of the Priest

Per haec divina mysteria, ad novi, quaesumus, Testamenti mediatorem Jesum accedamus : et super altaria Tua, Domine virtutum, aspersionem sanguinis melius loquentem, quam Abel, innovemus. Per eumdem Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum Filium Tuum, qui Tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.


English translation

Through these divine mysteries, we beseech You that we may draw near to Jesus, the Mediator of the New Testament, and renew upon Your altars, o Lord of virtues, the sprinkling of the blood, which speaks more eloquently than that of Abel. Through the same Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who with You lives and reigns in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, world without end. Amen.


Preface of the Holy Cross

Vere dignum et justum est, aequum et salutare, nos Tibi semper et ubique gratias agere : Domine, Sancte Pater omnipotens, aeterne Deus : Qui salutem humani generis in ligno Crucis constituisti : ut, unde mors oriebatur, inde vita resurgeret : et, qui in ligno vincebat, in ligno quoque vinceretur : per Christum, Dominum nostrum. Per quem majestatem Tuam laudant Angeli, adorant Dominationes, tremunt Potestates. Caeli caelorumque Virtutes ac beata Seraphim socia exsultatione concelebrant. Cum quibus et nostras voces ut admitti jubeas, deprecamur, supplici confessione dicentes :


English translation

It is truly meet and just, right and profitable for us, at all times, and in all places, to give thanks to You, o holy Lord, Father Almighty, Eternal God, You Who had established the salvation of mankind in the wood of the cross, that from where death came into the world, hence a new life might spring, and that he who has been overcome the cross, by a cross might be overthrown, through Christ our Lord. Through Whom the angels praise, the Dominations adore, the Powers, trembling with awe, worship Your majesty, which the heavens, and the forces of heaven, together with the blessed Seraphim joyfully do magnify. And You do command that it be permitted to our lowliness to join with them in confessing You and unceasingly to repeat :



Hebrews 9 : 28

Christus semel oblatus est ad multorum exhaurienda peccata : secundo sine peccato apparebit exspectantibus se in salutem.


English translation

Christ was offered once to exhaust the sins of many, the second time He shall appear without sin to those who expect Him, unto salvation.


Post-Communion Prayer

Ad sacram, Domine, mensam admissi, hausimus aquas in gaudio de fontibus Salvatoris : sanguis ejus fiat nobis, quaesumus, fons aquae in vitam aeternam salientis : Qui Tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.


English translation

Admitted to the sacred table, o Lord, we have drawn water in gladness from the fountain of the Saviour. May His Blood, we beseech You, become unto us a well of water springing up unto everlasting life. Who with You lives and reigns in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, world without end. Amen.

(Usus Antiquior) Feast of the Most Precious Blood of our Lord (I Classis) – Sunday, 1 July 2018 : Holy Gospel

Liturgical Colour : Red
Sequentia Sancti Evangelii secundum Joannem – Continuation of the Holy Gospel according to St. John

John 19 : 30-35

In illo tempore : Cum accepisset Jesus acetum, dixit : Consummatum est. Et inclinato capite tradidit spiritum. Judaei ergo (quoniam Parasceve erat), ut non remanerent in cruce corpora sabbato (erat enim magnus dies ille sabbati), rogaverunt Pilatum, ut frangerentur eorum crura et tollerentur.

Venerunt ergo milites : et primi quidem fregerunt crura et alterius, qui crucifixus et cum eo. Ad Jesum autem cum venissent, ut viderunt eum jam mortuum, non fregerunt ejus crura, sed unus militum lancea latus ejus aperuit, et continuo exivit sanguis et aqua. Et qui vidit, testimonium perhibuit; et verum est testimonium ejus.


English translation

At that time, Jesus, when He had taken the vinegar, said, “It is consummated.” And bowing His head, He gave up the Spirit. Then the Jews, because it was the eve of the Passover, asked that the bodies might not remain on the cross on the sabbath day, for that was a great sabbath day, and besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away.

The soldiers therefore came, and they broke the legs of the first and of the other who was crucified with Him. But after they came to Jesus, they saw that He was already dead, and they did not break His legs. But one of the soldiers with a spear opened His side, and immediately there came out blood and water. And he who saw it had given testimony, and his testimony is true.

(Usus Antiquior) Feast of the Most Precious Blood of our Lord (I Classis) – Sunday, 1 July 2018 : Gradual and Alleluia

Liturgical Colour : Red
1 John 5 : 6, 7-8 and 1 John 5 : 9

Hic est, qui venit per aquam et sanguinem, Jesus Christus : non in aqua solum, sed in aqua et sanguine.

Response : Tres sunt, qui testimonium dant in caelo : Pater, Verbum et Spiritus Sanctus; et hi tres unum sunt. Et tres sunt, qui testimonium dant in terra : Spiritus, aqua et sanguis : et hi tres unum sunt.

Alleluja, Alleluja.

Response : Si testimonium hominum accipimus, testimonium Dei majus est. Alleluja.


English translation

This is He who came by water and blood, Jesus Christ, not by water only, but by water and blood.

Response : There are Three Who give testimony in heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit, and these Three are One, and there are Three that give testimony on earth, the Spirit, the water and the blood, and these Three are One.

Alleluia, Alleluia.

Response : If we receive the testimony of men, the testimony of God is greater. Alleluia.

(Usus Antiquior) Feast of the Most Precious Blood of our Lord (I Classis) – Sunday, 1 July 2018 : Epistle

Liturgical Colour : Red
Lectio Epistolae Beati Pauli Apostoli ad Hebraeos – Lesson from the Epistle of Blessed Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews
Hebrews 9 : 11-15

Fratres : Christus assistens Pontifex futurorum bonorum, per amplius et perfectius tabernaculum non manufactum, id est, non hujus creationis : neque per sanguinem hircorum aut vitulorum, sed per proprium sanguinem introivit semel in Sancta, aeterna redemptione inventa.

Si enim sanguis hircorum et taurorum et cinis vitulae aspersus inquinatos sanctificat ad emundationem carnis : quanto magis sanguis Christi, qui per Spiritum Sanctum semetipsum obtulit immaculatum Deo, emundabit conscientiam nostram ab operibus mortuis, ad serviendum Deo viventi?

Et ideo novi Testamenti mediator est : ut, morte intercedente, in redemptionem earum praevaricationum, quae erant sub priori Testamento, repromissionem accipiant, qui vocati sunt aeternae hereditatis, in Christo Jesu, Domino nostro.


English translation

Brethren, Christ having come, a High Priest of the good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is, not of this creation, neither by the blood of goats or of calves, but by His own Blood, entered once into the Holies, having obtained eternal redemption.

For if the blood of goats and of oxen, and the ashes of an heifer being sprinkled sanctify such as those that are defiled, to the cleansing of the flesh, how much more shall the Blood of Christ, He Who, through the Holy Spirit, offered Himself without blemish to God, cleanse our conscience from dead works, to serve the living God?

And therefore, He is the Mediator of the New Testament, that by means of His death, for the redemption of those transgressions which were under the former testament, that those who are called may receive the promise of eternal inheritance, in Christ Jesus our Lord.

(Usus Antiquior) Feast of the Most Precious Blood of our Lord (I Classis) – Sunday, 1 July 2018 : Introit and Collect

Liturgical Colour : Red

Apocalypse 5 : 9-10 and Psalm 88 : 2

Redemisti nos, Domine, in sanguine Tuo, ex omni tribu et lingua et populo et natione : et fecisti nos Deo nostro regnum.

Misericordias Domini in aeternum cantabo : in generationem et generationem annuntiabo veritatem Tuam in ore meo.

Response : Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto, sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper : et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.


English translation

You have redeemed us, o Lord, in Your blood, out of every tribe and tongue, and people, and nation, and have made us to our God a kingdom.

The mercies of the Lord I will sing forever, I will show forth Your truth with my mouth to generation and generation.

Response : Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.



Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, qui unigenitum Filium Tuum mundi Redemptorem constituisti, ac ejus Sanguine placari voluisti : concede, quaesumus, salutis nostrae pretium sollemni cultu ita venerari, atque a praesentis vitae malis ejus virtute defendi in terris; ut fructu perpetuo laetemur in caelis. Per eumdem Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum Filium Tuum, qui Tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.


English translation

Almighty, Eternal God, Who has appointed Your only begotten Son to be the Redeemer of the world, and has willed to be appeased by His Blood, grant us, we beseech You, so incessantly to worship the price of our salvation, and to be so defended by its power from the ills of this life on earth, that we may enjoy its everlasting fruit in heaven. Through the same Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who with You lives and reigns in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, world without end. Amen.

Saturday, 30 June 2018 : 12th Week of Ordinary Time, Memorial of the First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church (Homily and Scripture Reflections)

Liturgical Colour : Green or Red (Martyrs) or White (Saturday Mass of Our Lady)

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, in the first reading today, we listened about the humiliation of Israel, because of their sins and disobedience, they have been rejected by God, as they have rejected God first. The people of Israel had been uprooted from the land given to their ancestors, and had to endure humiliation in exile, because they were not faithful to the Covenant which God had made with them.

And they therefore had to endure the punishment due for their rebelliousness, and endure the bitter consequences that arise because of their own stubbornness and refusal to repent, despite the many reminders and the constant promptings from the Lord through His messengers and prophets. Instead, they hardened their hearts and persecuted those whom the Lord had sent to call them to return to Him.

Yet, the Lord in His most tender love and gracious mercy, was always ever willing to extend His generous offer of mercy and forgiveness to all of us. Through sin we have been sundered and cut off from His love and cast away from His grace, but through sincere and genuine repentance, all of us have been given the way out of our predicament, that is none other than, following the path that the Lord Jesus Christ, Our God, has shown us.

And in today’s Gospel passage, we heard about how the Lord encountered a faithful army centurion or captain, who came to Him asking for a favour of healing to his very sick servant, who was dear to him. In this passage, we heard the amazing and unusual action of the centurion, who, when the Lord was about to go into his house in order to heal the sick servant, uttered the words that we now utter at every celebrations of the Holy Mass.

‘Lord, I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof.’ These were the words of the centurion, who later then added, ‘Just say the word, and my servant shall be healed.’ In these two sentences alone, were summed up the great profession of faith and sincere prayer made by the centurion to the Lord. Such a great faith amazed the Lord, Who immediately granted all that the centurion had asked for, and the servant was healed.

First of all, we must understand how, as an army centurion, it was likely that the centurion did not belong to the race of the Jewish people, or followed the Jewish traditions and faith. It was likely that he was both a Gentile or non-Jew, and a pagan. According to the customs and practices at that time, it was taboo for a Jew to enter into the house of a pagan and Gentile, as it would, according to the Jewish customs, defile the person.

That was why, the centurion, who was likely aware of this custom, would not want the Lord to be defiled by his non-Jewish and pagan background. And yet, through the words he said, in fact, as the Lord Himself pointed out, the centurion showed a pure and genuine faith, that was not found even among the Jews themselves. First of all, he admitted openly his sinfulness and unworthiness to receive the Lord into his humble abode. This is a trait that many of us did not have with us.

Then, he was filled with such a great faith and trust in the Lord, knowing that even if the Lord did not directly perform miraculous deeds or touch his servant to heal him, just through a word of the Lord, his servant would be immediately healed. The centurion trusted in the Lord so greatly, that he was totally unlike the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law, who had seen so many of the miracles and deeds performed by the Lord Jesus, but still refused to believe.

How many of us are able to be as humble and as faithful as the centurion? Do we truly love the Lord our God, with all of our heart, and give Him the very best of our attention and focus? Have we been true Christians in all of our actions and dealings? We are all called to follow in the footsteps of the faithful centurion, and truly mean it, every time we say at the Mass, “Lord, I am not worthy that You should enter under My roof.”

Now, today, we also celebrate the feast of the first martyrs of the Holy Roman Church. On this day, we celebrate those courageous members of the faithful who suffered the first great persecution of Christians by the Roman Empire under the reign of the Emperor Nero. This feast is celebrated a day after the Solemnity of St. Peter and St. Paul, as it was likely that the two holy Apostles were martyred in Rome as part of this great persecution.

At that time, the Christian faith was flourishing in every parts of the Empire, despite the challenges they encountered from various origins. Many of the faithful also lived in the city of Rome, the capital of the Empire. And more and more of the faithful were added to the Church with every passing moment, as the fruits of the dedication and hard work shown by the Apostles and the disciples of the Lord.

Then, in the year 64 AD, a great fire engulfed most of the city of Rome, one which, according to historians, was started by the eccentric Emperor Nero himself, who quickly laid the blame of the fire on the growing Christian community. Hence, the first great persecution of the faithful began, and many were forced to choose between abandoning their faith and losing their lives.

Yet, many of the faithful, including St. Peter and St. Paul remained true to their faith, and refused to bend to the demands of those who persecuted them. They remained true to their faith in God, and devoted themselves wholeheartedly, and committed themselves, to the very end, courageously declaring their faith to the One Who has saved them from eternal damnation.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, having heard of the examples set by the faithful centurion and the first holy martyrs of the Roman Church, shall we all be inspired by those examples that they have set? Shall we follow in their footsteps, and learn to commit ourselves more wholeheartedly to the Lord, in all the things that we say and do? This is our calling as Christians, and we are all challenged to be ever better Christians, day after day.

May the Lord bless us all, and may He strengthen each and every one of us in our faith. May He continue to watch over us and may He remain with us, on our side, through the challenges and trials of life, that we may remain wholly faithful to Him, at every moments of our life. First Holy Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church, pray for us all, sinners still living in this world. Amen.

Saturday, 30 June 2018 : 12th Week of Ordinary Time, Memorial of the First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church (Gospel Reading)

Liturgical Colour : Green or Red (Martyrs) or White (Saturday Mass of Our Lady)

Matthew 8 : 5-17

At that time, when Jesus entered Capernaum, an army captain approached Him, to ask His help, “Sir, my servant lies sick at home. He is paralysed and suffers terribly.” Jesus said to him, “I will come and heal him.”

The captain answered, “I am not worthy to have You under my roof. Just give an order and my boy will be healed. For I myself, a junior officer, give orders to my soldiers. And if I say to one, ‘Go!’ he goes; and if I say to another, ‘Come!’ he comes; and if I say to my servant, ‘Do this!’ he does it.”

When Jesus heard this, He was astonished; and said to those who were following Him, “I tell you, I have not found such faith in Israel. I say to you, many will come from east and west and sit down with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob at the feast in the kingdom of heaven; but the heirs of the kingdom will be thrown out into extreme darkness; there, they will wail and grind their teeth.”

Then Jesus said to the captain, “Go home now. As you believed, so let it be.” At that moment, his servant was healed. Jesus went to Peter’s house and found Peter’s mother-in-law in bed with fever. He took her by the hand and the fever left her; she got up and began to wait on Him.

Toward evening, they brought to Jesus many people possessed by evil spirits; and with a word, He drove out the spirits. He also healed all who were sick. In this way, what was said by the prophet Isaiah was fulfilled : He bore our infirmities and took on Himself our diseases.

Saturday, 30 June 2018 : 12th Week of Ordinary Time, Memorial of the First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church (Psalm)

Liturgical Colour : Green or Red (Martyrs) or White (Saturday Mass of Our Lady)

Psalm 73 : 1-2, 3-4, 5-7, 20-21

O God, have You rejected us forever? Why vent Your anger on the sheep of Your own fold? Remember the people You have formed of old, the tribe You have redeemed as Your inheritance. Remember Mount Zion, where You once lived.

Climb, and visit these hopeless ruins, the enemy has ravaged everything in the Sanctuary. Your foes have roared triumphantly in the holy place, and set up their banner of victory.

Like lumbermen felling trees, they smashed the carved panelling with hatchets, hammers and axes. They defiled Your Sanctuary and set aflame the dwelling place of Your Name.

See how they keep Your Covenant, in the dark caves of the land. Do not let the oppressed be put to shame; may the poor and needy praise Your Name.